Brain Cognition Lecture Series
This lecture series is a joint effort between the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the Mind/Brain Institute, and the Department of Cognitive Science. It is held every other year in the spring.
Stanley Hall Lecture Series
Organized by the undergraduate honor society (Psi Chi), this lecture series aims to bring a recognized speaker to campus to give a public lecture each spring. This upcoming series features:
Commencement Reception
The department recognizes the honors and accomplishments of its undergraduate and graduate students who graduate each year at a reception each May. The reception is open only to members of the department and programs, the graduating students, and their families.
Department Social Events
The Department encourages social interaction with our collaborative departments and programs here on the Homewood campus: Cognitive Science, Mind/Brain Institute, and the Undergraduate Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Programs. These events are open only to members of these departments and/or programs.
PBS Seminar Speaker series
Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series LT & RM presenting
PBS Special Seminar Jamal Williams
Mergenthaler 111Dr. Jamal Williams from Yale University is delivering a special seminar in Mergenthaler 111 at 3:30 pm- we hope to see you there! Beyond isolated systems: Visual processing is shaped […]
(PBS faculty/sign-up only) Jamal Williams Chalk Talk
Ames 217Jamal Williams's chalk talk will take place in Ames 217 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm on Thursday, February 27th.
PBS Seminar Speaker series
Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series JG & LC presenting
PBS Special Seminar Carolyn Parkinson
Mergenthaler 111Dr. Carolyn Parkinson from UCLA is delivering a special seminar in Mergenthaler 111 at 3:30 pm- we hope to see you there! Title and abstract coming soon.
(PBS faculty/sign-up only) Carolyn Parkinson Chalk Talk
Ames 217Carolyn Parkinson's chalk talk will take place in Ames 217 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm on Thursday, March 6th.
PBS Seminar Speaker series
Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series SJK & NB presenting
PBS Seminar Speaker series
Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series ST & ZW presenting
Natalia Khodayari PhD defense
Ames 234 Natalia Khodayari will defend her dissertation defense publicly in Ames 234.
Qihan Wu PhD defense
Ames 217 Qihan Wu will defend her dissertation publicly in Ames 217
PBS Seminar Speaker series
Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series TB & AK presenting
Brendan Ito Early Career Colloquium Lecture
Mergenthaler 111A collicular map for touch-guided tongue control Dr. Brendan Ito will be visiting campus from NYU to deliver an early career colloquium lecture to the Psychological and Brain Sciences department […]