The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences supports research in several core areas in biopsychology and cognitive and developmental psychology.

Explore Our Labs

Marina Bedny Lab
Areas of Interest: Brain development and plasticity, cognitive neuroscience, concepts

Kirsten Bohn – REU: Social Behavior
Areas of Interest: evolution of vocal and social complexity

Janice Chen Lab
Areas of Interest:  Real-world memory, cognitive neuroscience, temporal structure in cognition

Howard Egeth – Attention and Perception Lab
Areas of Interest: Perception and cognition, attention and attentional selectivity, eyewitness testimony

Lisa Feigenson – Laboratory for Child Development
Areas of Interest: Cognitive development

Chaz Firestone – Perception and Mind Lab
Areas of Interest: Perception, attention, visual cognition, and foundations of cognitive science

Jason Fischer – Dynamic Perception Lab
Areas of Interest: Visual scene understanding using fMRI, psychophysics, and computational modeling

Jonathan Flombaum – The Visual Thinking Lab
Areas of Interest: Visual perception, attention, and cognition

Michela Gallagher – Gallagher Lab – Neurogenetics & Behavior Center
Areas of Interest: Learning and memory, neurobiology of aging

Justin Halberda – Laboratory for Child Development – The Vision and Cognition Lab
Areas of Interest: Cognitive and developmental psychology

Chris Honey Lab
Areas of Interest:  Computational Cognitive Neuroscience

Patricia Janak Lab
Areas of Interest: Behavioral neuroscience of learning and memory; addiction

Kishore Kuchibhotla Lab
Areas of Interest:  neural circuits; attention, learning and decision-making; audition; neural circuit dysfunction; computational modeling

Daeyeol Lee Lab
Areas of Interest: Neural mechanisms of reinforcement learning and decision making

Cynthia Moss – Comparative Neural Systems and Behavior Lab
Areas of Interest: Sensory coding of natural stimuli, spatial perception, attention, learning, memory and adaptive motor control

Shreesh Mysore Lab
Areas of Interest: Neural circuits for behavior, computational neuroscience, comparative approach to the design of neural circuits

Alison A. Papadakis Lab
Director of Clinical Psychological Studies

Veit Stuphorn Lab
Areas of Interest: Neurophysiological studies of decision making