PBS Special Seminar Jamal Williams

Mergenthaler 111

Dr. Jamal Williams from Yale University is delivering a special seminar in Mergenthaler 111 at 3:30 pm- we hope to see you there! Beyond isolated systems: Visual processing is shaped by auditory context and prior knowledge In every moment, our senses work together to help us navigate a noisy, ambiguous world: a rustling of nearby […]

PBS Seminar Speaker series

Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series JG & LC presenting

PBS Special Seminar Carolyn Parkinson

Mergenthaler 111

Dr. Carolyn Parkinson from UCLA is delivering a special seminar in Mergenthaler 111 at 3:30 pm- we hope to see you there! The brain in the social world: Integrating approaches from cognitive neuroscience, social psychology, and social network analysis All human thought and behavior unfold within social networks. Moreover, the cognitive demands of cultivating and […]

PBS Seminar Speaker series

Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series SJK & NB presenting

PBS Seminar Speaker series

Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series ST & ZW presenting

Qihan Wu PhD defense

Ames 217 Qihan Wu will defend her dissertation publicly in Ames 217

PBS Seminar Speaker series

Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series TB & AK presenting

Brendan Ito Early Career Colloquium Lecture

Mergenthaler 111

A collicular map for touch-guided tongue control Dr. Brendan Ito will be visiting campus from NYU to deliver an early career colloquium lecture to the Psychological and Brain Sciences department on 4/2/25 at 3:30 pm in Mergenthaler 111. We hope to see you there! Accurate goal-directed behavior requires the sense of touch to be integrated […]

PBS Seminar Speaker series

Ames 234 PBS Graduate & Postdoctoral student presentation series JO & A presenting