Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Annegret Falkner

Krieger 205

Annegret Falkner, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Princeton University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! Mapping the neural dynamics of social dominance and defeat Social experiences can have lasting changes on behavior and affective state. In particular, repeated wins and losses during fighting can facilitate and suppress […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker- Maria J. Olvera Caltzontzin

Krieger 205

Maria J. Olvera Caltzontzin, PhD from the Laboratory of Integrative Neural Circuits and Behaviors at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Insular Cortex Nos1 Neurons Regulate Non-Homeostatic Feeding Behavior Although homeostatic feeding is vital for survival, humans […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Abdul-Rahim Deeb

Krieger 205

Abdul-Rahim Deeb from the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences at Brown University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Perception of Dynamics Over Time Without special training or feedback, observers can make accurate judgements concerning the relative mass of two colliding objects. […]