Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker- Maria J. Olvera Caltzontzin

Krieger 205

Maria J. Olvera Caltzontzin, PhD from the Laboratory of Integrative Neural Circuits and Behaviors at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Insular Cortex Nos1 Neurons Regulate Non-Homeostatic Feeding Behavior Although homeostatic feeding is vital for survival, humans […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Abdul-Rahim Deeb

Krieger 205

Abdul-Rahim Deeb from the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences at Brown University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Perception of Dynamics Over Time Without special training or feedback, observers can make accurate judgements concerning the relative mass of two colliding objects. […]

Daniel Kish Lecture: Getting in Touch with Your Inner Bat

Daniel Kish, a blind man who uses echolocation to sense his surrounding and the President of Visioneers, will give a public lecture on March 9, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in Shaffer Hall 3.  Daniel Kish is an engaging speaker, and he travels the world to teach blind children and adults to use echolocation and other […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Matthew Botvinick

Krieger 205

Wednesday, March 15th, 2022 Matthew Botvinick, PhD, Director of Neuroscience Research at Stanford University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! A unified model of dual-process control Dual-process theories play a central role in both psychology and neuroscience, figuring prominently in fields ranging from executive control to reward-based […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Chris Honey

Krieger 205

Our very own Dr. Chris Honey will be giving a Colloquium Seminar at 4:00 pm today, with a Q+A to follow! Timescales of Context in the Mind and Brain I study how people integrate information over time, as they seek to understand their environment and learn from it. Temporal integration is ubiquitous, because our world […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Asieh Zadbood

Krieger 205

Asieh Zadbood from the Columbia University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Reconstructive brain: how the brain uses past experiences to rebuild our world Facing the rich and continuous stream of information in daily life, our brain constantly processes the incoming data to […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Tyler Bonnen

Krieger 205

Tyler Bonnen from the Memory Lab at Stanford University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Understanding Memory-Related Behaviors: From Psychological Constructs to Function Approximation Perception unfolds across multiple timescales. Some visual attributes can be inferred at a glance™ , an ability that largely […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Megha Sehgal

Krieger 205

Megha Seghal from the Columbia University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Co-allocation to overlapping dendritic branches in the retrosplenial cortex integrates memories across time Events occurring close in time are often linked in memory, providing a framework for those memories. Recent studies […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Nicholas Turk-Browne

Nicholas Turk-Browne, PhD, Professor at Yale University  will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! Adventures in infant cognitive neuroscience In this talk, I will present the approach my lab has developed for performing fMRI studies in awake infants during cognitive tasks. I will share some of our recent […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Marisa Carrasco

Krieger 205

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 Marisa Carrasco, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at New York University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! How spatial attention shapes perception Visual attention is essential for visual perception.  I will illustrate how endogenous (voluntary) and exogenous (involuntary) covert attention differentially modulate […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Katherine McAuliffe

Krieger Hall, room 170

Katherine McAuliffe, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology at Boston College will be giving a Colloquium talk in Krieger 205 at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! The influence of norms on fairness in childhood Fairness is a cornerstone of human cooperation, yet the norms that govern what constitutes a fair act vary across societies. […]