Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Chris Honey

Krieger 205

Our very own Dr. Chris Honey will be giving a Colloquium Seminar at 4:00 pm today, with a Q+A to follow! Timescales of Context in the Mind and Brain I study how people integrate information over time, as they seek to understand their environment and learn from it. Temporal integration is ubiquitous, because our world […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Asieh Zadbood

Krieger 205

Asieh Zadbood from the Columbia University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Reconstructive brain: how the brain uses past experiences to rebuild our world Facing the rich and continuous stream of information in daily life, our brain constantly processes the incoming data to […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Tyler Bonnen

Krieger 205

Tyler Bonnen from the Memory Lab at Stanford University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Understanding Memory-Related Behaviors: From Psychological Constructs to Function Approximation Perception unfolds across multiple timescales. Some visual attributes can be inferred at a glance™ , an ability that largely […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker: Megha Sehgal

Krieger 205

Megha Seghal from the Columbia University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in Krieger 205! Q&A to follow Co-allocation to overlapping dendritic branches in the retrosplenial cortex integrates memories across time Events occurring close in time are often linked in memory, providing a framework for those memories. Recent studies […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Nicholas Turk-Browne

Nicholas Turk-Browne, PhD, Professor at Yale University  will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! Adventures in infant cognitive neuroscience In this talk, I will present the approach my lab has developed for performing fMRI studies in awake infants during cognitive tasks. I will share some of our recent […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Marisa Carrasco

Krieger 205

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 Marisa Carrasco, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at New York University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! How spatial attention shapes perception Visual attention is essential for visual perception.  I will illustrate how endogenous (voluntary) and exogenous (involuntary) covert attention differentially modulate […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Katherine McAuliffe

Krieger Hall, room 170

Katherine McAuliffe, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology at Boston College will be giving a Colloquium talk in Krieger 205 at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! The influence of norms on fairness in childhood Fairness is a cornerstone of human cooperation, yet the norms that govern what constitutes a fair act vary across societies. […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Athena Akrami

Krieger 205

Athena Akrami, PhD, Professor at the University College of London will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q+A to follow! Learning and exploiting sensory statistics in decision making:  The world around us is complex, but at the same time full of meaningful regularities. We can detect, learn and exploit these regularities […]

Colloquium Speaker- Robert Hampton

Krieger 205 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

Robert Hampton, a Professor of Psychology at Emory University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 3:30 pm with a Q+A to follow! Metacognition and memory systems in monkeys It is a challenge to determine what is going on in another mind. This challenge is arguably greater when seeking information about the minds of nonverbal […]

Colloquium Speaker- Daniela Vallentin

Krieger 205 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

Daniela Vallentin, a Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence will be giving a Colloquium talk at 3:30 pm with a Q+A to follow! Neural mechanisms of vocal learning and production in songbirds During conversations we rapidly switch between listening and speaking which often requires withholding or delaying our speech in […]