Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Jonathan Phillips

Krieger Hall, room 170

Jonathan Phillips, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science, Dartmouth University will be giving a colloquium talk with a Q&A to follow! The Shape of Option Generation There has been a small but now growing interest in studying decision making in real-world contexts where part of the problem faced by decision makers is to generate the […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Andre Fenton

Krieger Hall, room 170

Cognition in the Noise: Remembering, Remapping, and Reframing Cognition Dynamics Andre Fenton, PhD, Professor of Neural Science, New York University will be giving a colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! How do we learn and know? For much of my career it was assumed that neurons respond to external stimuli as if to represent […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Dwight Kravitz

Krieger Hall, room 170

Closing the Loop Between Human Neurophysiology and Behavior Dwight Kravitz, PhD, Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, George Washington University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! A core goal of human cognitive neuroscience must be the use of physiological observation to clarify the mechanisms that shape behavior. At […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Tamar Makin

Krieger Hall, room 170

Tamar Makin, PhD, Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience, Cambridge University will be giving a colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! Against Brain Reorganisation: Perspectives from individuals with congenital and acquired hand loss Input loss has been claimed to facilitate a process known as reorganisation – whereby a brain area becomes physiologically reassigned […]

Colloquium speaker- Dr. Jason Fischer

Krieger Hall, room 170

Our very own Jason Fischer, PhD of Hopkins will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! Living in the (next) moment: how the mind models the physical structure and dynamics of the world Our seamless interaction with the world is no small feat. Packing delicate groceries, stacking glassware, reshuffling […]

Early Career Colloquium (ECC) Speaker- Jessica Glazier

Krieger 205

Jessica Glazier, PhD from the Psychology department at Northeastern University will be giving an early career colloquium seminar at 4:00 pm today in MARYLAND 110! Q&A to follow Inclusive gender cognition: exploring gender categorization with diverse gender identities Research on gender categorization has mostly approached gender as a binary construct, examining the perceptions of and […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Carlos Ponce

Carlos Ponce, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm in Krieger 205 with a Q&A to follow! Tuning landscapes of the ventral stream Primates can reason visually about images with different statistical properties, such as photographs, art, and even computer-generated scenes. However, it is […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Christopher Harvey

Krieger 205

Christopher Harvey, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard University will be giving a PBS Colloquium Talk at 4:00 today with a Q&A to follow! Cortical circuits for spatial navigation My lab seeks to understand how the mammalian brain performs the computations that underlie cognitive functions, with a focus on spatial navigation, decision-making, and short-term memory. […]

Colloquium Speaker- Dr. Dmitriy Aronov

Krieger 205

Dmitriy Aronov, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Columbia University will be giving a Colloquium talk at 4:00 pm with a Q&A to follow! Using food-caching birds to study the neuroscience of episodic memory Throughout each day the brain captures snapshots of distinct experiences, forming episodic memories that often last a lifetime. This function depends on […]