News & Announcements Archive

Congratulations to Chris Krupenye

Congratulations to Chris Krupenye

The Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology has just awarded him the 2025 Early Career Investigator award for his contributions to the field. You can read more about his […]

Chaz Firestone wins Janet Taylor Spence Award

Chaz Firestone wins Janet Taylor Spence Award

This award is given by the APS to researchers on the cutting edge of psychology. Read more about Chaz’s research here.

Shari Liu wins APS Rising Star Award

Shari Liu wins APS Rising Star Award

The APS Rising Star designation is presented to outstanding APS members in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD.

Congratulations Chris Krupenye and Luke Townrow

Both were quoted in The Hub regarding bonobos’ ability to intuit ignorance in social settings after the publication of their PNAS paper: Bonobos point more for ignorant than knowledgeable social […]

Behavioral Biology Professor Andrew Gallup featured in the Washington Post

Behavioral Biology Professor Andrew Gallup featured in the Washington Post

Does yawning mean our brains aren’t getting enough oxygen? Yawning may be more exciting than you think! Check out Dr. Gallup’s words of wisdom.

Congratulations, Lisa Feigenson!

Congratulations, Lisa Feigenson!

Dr. Feigenson was featured on NPR and The Hub for her fascinating research on how toddlers discern probability. Lisa recently published an article in PNAS which supports that young children […]

Assistant Professor (Behavioral Neuroscience)

Assistant Professor (Behavioral Neuroscience)

As part of a strategic investment in a transformative expansion of the faculty of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences (PBS) at […]

Two Open Rank Psychological and Brain Sciences Faculty Positions

As part of a strategic investment in a transformative expansion of the faculty of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Johns […]

Congratulations to Chaz Firestone!

Congratulations to Chaz Firestone!

Chaz Firestone just received the Joseph B. Gittler Award from the American Psychological Foundation for his scholarly contributions to the philosophical foundations of psychological knowledge.

Arunima Banerjee awarded best graduate student poster

Arunima Banerjee awarded best graduate student poster

Arunima Banerjee, PhD student in the Mysore Lab, was awarded one of three “best graduate student poster” prizes at the annual retreat of the Department of Neuroscience on 9/17/2024! Her […]